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Tuesday, 9 January 2007

WOW How Fast....

You won't believe this, but just as I posted the phone rang and I spoke to the tech chap, who comfirmed straight away that something was wrong with the computer.

RED LIGHTS, mean something is wrong - remember this!

He got in contact with the manufacturer and store and they are footing the bill for it to be sorted out.

WooHoo, thank you David D for listening and understanding the problem, without placing blame onto me.

Oh by the way its the hard drive...........


cerberi said...

hi caz ,just dropping by to see how you doing and say your blog is looking good.
Also been working hard on my blog and looking for some feedback if you dont mind pkease as i know youre opiniopns are genuine.
thx andy

Guardian-Angel said...

Hi caz, I see your blog is kind of growing - dunno how to say it lol.
Btw the problem with your pc sounds scary, coz in germany you have 2 years warranty for anything that is "electric". Hope it is all been sorted soon.
and shhhh watch out my blog ;)
BlackTyson aka Anita