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Friday, 2 February 2007

Birthday Invitation Tournament

This is an open invitation to all friends in the Forum, League and Bloggers

Birthday Party Invitation
February 5th
Lobby > Private > Scheduled
(With special guest Head Hunt)

You are cordially invited to join in the fun.
And have the chance to win some prizes.
Apart from the cash prizes, there will also be goodies to win during the match.

If you come last don’t worry, you will win something special.
BubbleBoy or Girl, will also win a special prize.
There will also be a prize for Top Lady and Top Gent

And of course a Prize going to the Bounty Hunter.

It is a password protected event, and you can receive the password via pm from the following people @ poker.com

Cazwil56 - Housekat = PW for Leaguers

Fromafar = PW for Girls

Scotlady =PW for Forum Friends

Cazwil (me) = PW for Bloggers

Last place prize is playing cards
Bubble will recieve a cap
Best girl and boy will receive a t-shirt

And the Bounty is a total MYSTERY, no-one told me yet ;)

All the details are in the Forum at Poker.com, use the link to the right to access it

All Bloggers welcome


cerberi said...

Hope you have a great day carole.


HellooOOoo captain!
Am sorry for fuelling on the forum! i was angry! forget it
So if you're ok i'd like to participate to your birthday great event! my challenge : not finishing last or on the bubble because i 'have too much of thiese cards and hats! lmao
I promise to be a good boy!hiihi
have a nice day...kiss