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Thursday, 19 April 2007

The Jokers Royal Flush

The Jokers Royal Flush

Something a little bit different, and hopefully with a nice PrizePot

This is an invitation to all Leaguers, Non Leaguers, in fact anyone who holds a Poker.com account or Carbon Poker account

A game of Poker for Individuals, willing to SACRIFICE places and cash to get The Jokers Royal Flush

Traditional Holdem No Limits, with two games per week, Mondays and Thurdays at a cost of $3.30 per game, 15.00LB

OK thats the boring bit out of the way, here are the details you want

The aim of the game is to win The Jokers Royal Flush, and the only way you can do that is by placing 1st to 5th, and recieving Ace to Ten as an award.


Placing LAST and being awarded a JOKER

After every game results will be posted and the first person to get Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten will win a rolling Prize Pot.

Any person who wins the Joker can nominate it as any card they wish.
Any person who receives the same card 3 times can keep the original placing and receive an additional Joker that they can nominate.

And this is how the money works out:
$2.00 Match Pot
$1.00 Rolling Prize Pot

And just to show how big the pot could get here is an example:

30 players = $30 JRF over 5 games, minium amount off games that could be played =

$150 for The Jokers Royal Flush


Should say the site is still under construction, so please bear with me.

And the starting date is 30th April